Introduction of Carbon Products
Issuing time:2020/8/4 9:20:49
Carbon products are divided into graphite electrodes, carbon blocks, graphite anodes, carbon electrodes, pastes, electric carbons, etc. according to product usage. Commonly known as carbon brick or electric furnace block, it is mainly used in the metallurgical industry: the smelting of non-ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and calcium carbide and phosphorus chemical enterprises. Carbon blocks can be divided into blast furnace carbon blocks, aluminum carbon blocks, and electric furnace blocks according to their uses. Carbon products can be divided into carbon products, graphite products, carbon fibers and graphite fibers according to the depth of processing. According to different raw materials and production processes, carbon products can be divided into graphite products, carbon products, carbon fibers, and special graphite products. Carbon products can be divided into more ash products and less ash products (with ash content less than 1%) according to their ash content. The national technical standards and ministerial technical standards of my country's carbon products are classified according to different uses of the products and different production processes. This classification method basically reflects the different uses and different production processes of the product, and is also convenient for accounting, so its calculation method also adopts this classification standard. [1] In addition, as far as the quality of carbon products is concerned, Ningxia's carbon products have a greater advantage in raw materials because the raw materials used are Taixi anthracite, and the ash-rich carbon products produced are among the top in the country.